Magnetic Point of Attraction

When life offers us a crossroad of sorts in life, it can lead us to reset our goals, desires and destinations.

I found recently, as I approach this new year full of opportunities and potential outcomes, that what many of us miss completely at times is to allow enough space to actually shift the magnetic point of attraction within us first.

You are probably wondering what is a magnetic point of attraction? 

magnetic point of attraction

Let me elaborate with the following example:

Last year was very full.  While managing the farm without any help, I traveled a lot on selling trips, and at the same time, handled the processing, bottling and storing of the product from the farm. I did it, and towards the end of the year, I was looking forward to a complete rest.  But, I had some family stresses that took over my month of rest. As I welcomed the new year with all the hopes, projections and prayers, the stress of the previous year was still permeating my dreams, hopes and desires.

I was blessed to have a vacation gifted to me for a week near the ocean.  I sat doing nothing but feeling the breeze and gazing on the ocean movements for a few days, and realized how much I was still holding on to from last year’s events.  And how much I was bringing forth in my life from that feeling.

What could I do to shift it?

Struggling to get past last year’s baggage, I began to ask myself what makes my heart feel the bursting joy of being in love–the love that reminds you why you are here on this gorgeous planet called Earth?

Slowly, those memories and feelings of pure love and passion began to take over, until I found myself smiling and feeling in love with my own heart again; feeling in love with this earth that has given me the chance to be a full human being in her caressing reflection; feeling of gratitude and love that makes my whole being kneel in humility for the chance to witness the awe and beauty in every day living; and feeling the love when I share how to love her too, this earth… I can go on and on. I found myself feeling, loving and vibrating in a completely different way.  My thoughts attracted by this love and passion shifted my magnetic point of attraction!

Once I found it again, I realized I could not a move forward toward the projections, hopes and desires for the year without letting go of the baggage.  I had to let go of the conscious and unconscious hopes, desires, fears and whatever else that did not align with my heart’s destiny.

What a revelation! And what a simple shortcut to let go of what was not aligned with this year’s highest good for me (kinda like finding the size of your opportunity or path and only bringing that which fits just right for that!).

Nature was a great catalyst for me to enter that space and realm.

Many do not have the opportunity to take some days off before the need or urgency to shift that magnetic point of attraction.  My suggestions for those people are to find nature and go for a walk or hike nearby or if that is not possible, work with Nature in a bottle–a high-grade therapeutic oil (especially if that plant intelligence has been honored and crafted with love; love being an active vibration readily felt).

  • Place a few drops of essential oils under your nose and around your heart center
  • Breath deeply and find your memories, feelings of love and passion
  • Feel your heart open again, and go from there

Here are some suggestions that can offer you Nature in a bottle and help you shift your magnetic point of attraction:

Clear and Open


We offer this in a spray and an oil blend.

Clear N Open calms and soothes the central nervous system, and clears away lower dense frequencies, giving you a clear space…


Mary Essential Oil BlendThis is a blend to soothe and offer courage to open up…

Fresh Start

Fresh StartFresh start offers you a conifer forest to immerse yourself into…

Rose Quartz Balm

Rose Quartz BalmThis balm is incredibly special, it actually contains pulverized rose quartz among other treasures from the mineral kingdom. So it is earth, all that is necessary for our bodies to function on this physical plane. This balm melts away a froze heart, or joint. It supports establishing energetic boundaries, to support you to take back your power.

Rose, Gold, Lavender Balm

Gold Rose Lavender BalmOur best seller, supports releasing anxiety and uplifting the heart. The alchemy of the gold with some of the highest vibrational flowers creates such a catalyst for peace and ease. It also smells amazing. This is a wonderful balm for children who suffer from regular nightmares, as it is also a protection balm, especially good for those children who do not want to go to school.

Rose Oil

Organic Rose OilRose is the highest vibration measured in MHz known to man. Just holding the bottle your vibration raises 12 mhz. Rose has been known for millennia as a heart healer. In my opinion and based on what I have witnessed, Rose allows for vulnerability so you may walk with an open heart without feeling overwhelmed. So, yes it is part of this list.

One needs to be vulnerable in order to be open and let go, forgive, start a new, or leap with courage to the unknown.

We offer a Rose Mist and a Rose Hydrosol also…

Frankincense Oman

Frankincense OmanFrankincense Oman is pure light and dispels fear and negativity so you can feel that heart more clearly…

Reset Bath Oil

resetReset bath oil with is very magical protocol supports in aligning to your highest destiny…

By |2016-10-24T10:17:31-07:00February 5th, 2016|Plant Intelligence|