I deeply know every day is an opportunity to love oneself. The true essence of love begins and ends inside of one’s heart.
I cannot deny that throughout my life that I did not lovingly share love in the form of a gift or two from my beloveds, and I have to admit the surprise of their thoughtfulness was the best gift overall.
I invite you to gift yourself, in the spirit of thought-fullness, to indulge in some loving and aromatic gifts that inspire a deep and full experience of an open heart.
Here are some suggestions:
Goddess Bliss
This is one of our best sellers–it is delicious, uplifting, and activating. Goddess Bliss also comes in a Mist.
Rose Oil
Rose is the highest vibration measured in MHz known to man. Just holding the bottle your vibration raises 12 mhz. Rose has been known for millennia as a heart healer. In my opinion and based on what I have witnessed, Rose allows for vulnerability so you may walk with an open heart without feeling overwhelmed. So, yes it is part of this list.
One needs to be vulnerable in order to be open and let go, forgive, start a new, or leap with courage to the unknown.
We offer a Rose Mist and a Rose Hydrosol also…